This application helps players optimize troop stacking by calculating the most effective combination of troops to send in an attack, ensuring that the total leadership used is maximized without exceeding the allowed limit. It also adjusts troop compositions based on the type of enemy encountered (PVP or PVE).
- Enter Your Leadership: Specify the maximum leadership value your deployment can use.
- Select Your Troop Tiers: Select the minimum/maximum level of guardsmen/specialists/monsters to send
- Enter your Stacks In-Game: Use the numbers provided to build your attacking stacks
The calculator will automatically update your numbers as you change values. By default, no scouts or catapults are included, but you can change this (as well as melee/ranged/mounted/flying) in the Settings button
Also in the settings is the option to sort by strength (default) or troop tiers, and you can change to PvP or PvE to optimize the troops being sent (for maximum damage)
How it Works
- Apex Troop Selection: The highest HP Guardsman is identified as the apex unit, serving as the reference for all other calculations.
- SubApex Ratios: Troops are grouped by category and tier. Each troop's ratio is calculated relative to the apex unit, with adjustments made based on the enemy type.
- For PVP enemies, the ratios for Guardsmen are adjusted.
- For PVE enemies, the ratios for Specialists are adjusted.
- Leadership Padding: If there is remaining leadership after initial calculations, the lowest-tier and lowest-leadership troops are incremented to fully utilize the available leadership.
- Final Output: The optimal troop deployment is displayed, including a breakdown of the total leadership used and the total HP of the army.